Research Projects

Nicopolis - Research and Development of IoT applications for the Collection and Exploitation of Big Data and the Creation of an Intelligent Hotel

iCREW - Advanced small boat handling training system based on simulation techniques using virtual reality technologies

RecomARhotel - Create a system of recommendations and augmented reality applications in a hotel

AMVRADIA - Research and development of advanced computational techniques for remote monitoring of wild poultry to prevent the spread of avian influenza using drones and other devices

QNeST PLUS - Quality Network for Sustainable Tourism

eMEDIATOR - Ecosystem for European Education Mobility as a Service: Model with Portal Demo

JANUS e-Pedagogy and Virtual Reality Based Robotic Blended Education

INGENIOUS - strengthenINg diGital pEdagogy skills aNd competencIes Of edUcatorS

PLANET4 - Practical Learning of Artificial iNtelligence on the Edge for indusTry 4.0

SMARTiMONY - Support stakeholders tackle strategic innovation in tourism in peripheral, remote and sparsely populated areas with resilient heritage offers and place based investments in the Cultural and Creative Industries

HERMES – Heritage Rehabilitation as Multiplier cultural Empowerment within Social context

ICT - FoodAware Modern kiwi quality assessment system, traceability of kiwi products and intelligent supply chain management based on advanced IT applications

TrackMyHealth - Integrated Support System for the Elderly, for people with health problems and lonely workers by Utilizing Wearable Devices and Machine Learning Algorithms

EUKREAS – Advanced traceability of the Epirus meat for the improvement of the productive efficiency, quality and hygiene by utilizing intelligent systems of management of its supply chain.

NEW METRO – embeddiNg kEts and Works based learning into MEchaTROnic profile

INTER-PASS – Intermodal Passengers Connectivity between Ports and Airports

TIPHYS 4.0- Social Network based doctoral Education on Industry 4.0

QNeST – Quality Network for Sustainable Tourism

RE.CO.RD - REcycling Strategies for the COastal Sustainable Waste Management towards R&D Innovation

GIENAHS – Grasping Innovation in Europe through a closer iNterAction between Heis and Smes

ECOPORTIL – Environmental Protection of Areas Surrounding Ports using Innovative Learning Tools for Legislation

BalkanMed INNOVA – Balkan-Mediterranean Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

WatchArachthos - Integrated information system for monitoring, prevention, management and timely warning on the risk of floods in the greater Arachthos area.

iSECRET – Implementation of Software Engineering Competence Remote Evaluation for Master Program Graduates

CaseMaker - Innovative ICT-platform to enhance case-based teaching and learning (CASEMKR)

TEN ECOPORT - Transnational ENhancement of ECOPORT8 network

Τοπικά σχέδια για την απασχόληση, προσαρμοσμένα στις ανάγκες των τοπικών αγορών εργασίας του ΝΟΜΟΥ ΑΡΤΑΣ

Intelligent System for Automatic CardioTocoGrafic Data Analysis and Evaluation using State of the Art Computational Intelligence Techniques

APC – The Adriatic Port Community

INNOVA NET– International centre of competences for Innovation in the Mediterranean countries

SAIL, ICT System Addressed to Integrated Logistic management and decision support for intermodal port and dry port facilities

META-KNOWLEDGE: A tool for the best exploitation of research and technological results and for the know-how and Innovation Transfer to the Region of Western Greece

SFINX – Geographical Information System (G.I.S.) for an effective prevention and management of natural disasters

MOTHER – Mother Language over the History

INNOVA – Actions for the Transfer of Innovation in Common Strategic Sectors

DRYSTONE ROUTES – A network for sustainability and promotion of the drystone heritage in Zagori and Salento

Intelligent System for medical data analysis and evaluation based on computational intelligence techniques

Participation in European research networks of institutes and universities

CO-DESNET European Virtual Institute on Collaborative Demand and Supply Networks
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Goal of this project is the support and management of the scientific knowledge that concerns the problem of planning and large scale management, multidimensional and multifactor Collaborative Networks of manufacturing production and supply services that belong to the same productive branch. The Network functions as a Visual Network of Research and Services Support Development.

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