Laboratory of Knowledge & Intelligent Computing (est. 2006) covers the Educational, Teaching, Research and Development needs of the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications of the University of Ioannina (DIT-UoI) that are related to the scientific fields of: Algorithms; Data Processing, Analysis & Mining; Time Series Data Mining; Knowledge Processing, Representation and Management; Data Technology, Security and Cryptography; Advanced Image/Signal Processing Algorithms; Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation; Optimization and scheduling; Machine Learning, Machine Vision, Computational Intelligence and Knowledge; Artificial Intelligence, and Intelligent Computing in general. KIC-LAB greatly contributes to the fields of the Software Engineering, Virtual Reality, Augmentative Reality, Mechatronics and Industry 4.0 along with GeoInformatics and Environmental Informatics (Enviromatics) as well as Environmental Policy and Environmental Education.
The KIC Lab covers the scientific/research fields of: Algorithms; Data Processing and Analysis; Data Mining; Information Mining from the Internet; Time Series Data Mining; Data Technology; Knowledge Processing, Representation and Management; Pattern Recognition; Advanced Image/Signal Processing Algorithms; Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation; Optimization; Computational Intelligence and Knowledge; Fuzzy Logic; Evolutionary Algorithms; Genetic Algorithms; Artificial Neural Networks; Swarm Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence, and Intelligent Computing in general, as well as the fields of the GeoInformatics and Environmental Informatics (Enviromatics).
To meet the educational and teaching needs, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level, of the TEI of Epirus’ Dept. of Computer Engineering that are related to the scientific fields of Algorithms, Computational Intelligence, Data processing, analysis & mining, Knowledge processing & management, and Intelligent Computing in general.
To cover the aforementioned Department’s research needs in the scientific fields of Algorithms, Computational Intelligence, Data processing, analysis & mining, Knowledge processing & management, and Intelligent Computing in general.
The collaboration with Greek and foreign academic institutes, research centres and technological institutions, as long as their scientific goals coincide with, correlate with and complement the Laboratory ones.
The organization of scientific lectures, meetings, seminars, symposiums, conferences and other scientific exhibitions, the production of publications, and the invitation of eminent Greek and foreign scientists.
The participation in research and development projects, the collaboration with local and regional public and private services, bodies and organisations, and the provision of support to private enterprises.
Design & Development Port Community Systems, Decision Support Systems for Ports and intermodal transportation systems
Design, Development & Establishment systems for prevention & management of natural disasters; Integrated information system for flood events monitoring, management and early warning.
Design and Developing Management Information Systems with Business Intelligence capabilities for SMEs
Cultural content digitization, Creation of thematic routes & interactive maps using GIS, Creation of Advanced Data Bases, Development of web portals, mobile applications, Augmentative Reality and Virtual Reality applications and interactive Apps.
Design & Development IT Systems for tasks and personnel optimal scheduling for large organizations
Supporting SMEs to adopt ICT solutions, Introduce Open Innovation, facilitate know-how transfer to enterprises, Support creation of start-ups.
Advanced computational intelligent algorithms, design and development tools for extracting and delivering useful knowledge out of large masses of text data along with social media.
Design and development advanced software tools for Phasic Electromyographic Activity Annotation, Evaluation of Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) recordings and medical image processing.
Implementation of e-Learning Platforms; Production of multimedia material for educational purposes; Training of young graduates using new technologies; Design & Development of new methods and Case-Based Learning Tools, Design and Development of competence evaluation platforms for evaluating the learning outcomes of education processes, Design & Development of Virtual Environment for educational purposes.
Satellite data analysis – processing, Weather monitoring, Climatic analysis of meteorological parameters, Extreme weather situations studies, Spatial analysis of environmental parameters, Web GIS development, Environmental Decision-Making Methods, Applications of Environmental Education and Environmental Legislation. Design & Development of Integrated training education and lifelong learning methods/ practices for Port Eco – management and waste management issues.