The New Metro technical progress meeting was held on the 26th of November, 2020 via the GoToMeeting web platform.
The issues that were being discussed during the meeting are summarized as follows:
The participants agreed on the subject of validation of Intellectual Output 3 and Intellectual Output 4 for the subsequent publication on the Erasmus portal.
Based on the results of the IO3, the partners came to decision on the duration of the NEW METRO training path.
Later on, a brief updating of the status of the collection of materials and progress on the development phase of educational materials was made by 5 partner-countries.
Finally, the crucial issue of a possible time extension request to EACEA was put on the table due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation that is raising obstacles to the on-time completion of the project.
For one more time the partners concluded the meeting with “Stay safe!” wishes…