Intermodal Passengers Connectivity between Ports and Airports

“INTER-PASS Intermodal Passengers Connectivity between Ports and Airports” 

Project No: 671

Period of Implementation: 01/01/2018 έως 30/06/2020

Adriatic-Ionian Programme INTERREG V-B Transnational 2014-2020

1ˢᵗ International Conference Intermodal Adriatic Passengers 2018

Facebook Page: Inter-Pass Project

Adrion Website:

Programme: ADRION

3.1 Enhance capacity for integrated transport and mobility services and multimodality in the Adriatic-Ionian area


Dubrovnik Airport Ltd. Croatia

University of Ioannina (Department of Informatics and Telecommunications) Greece

Dubrovnik Port Authority Croatia

Airports of Apulia Italy

Bari Port Authority  Italy

Pula Airport Ltd Croatia

Pula Port Authority Croatia

Corfu Port Authority S.A. Greece

Associated Partner:

Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A., Port Operator Company under the umbrella of the Venice Port Authority Italy

The objective of the INTER-PASS, Intermodal Passengers Connectivity between Ports and Airports, is to improve the intermodal connections between ports and airports in the Adriatic–Ionian Region in order to enhance the processing of passengers (mainly cruise tourists and travelers reaching tourists destinations) during the peak season.

The project will produce several specific outputs which will concretely contribute to enhance the capacity for integrated transport, mobility services and multimodality in the Adriatic-Ionian Region. Project activities and outputs will contribute to a higher transnational coordination among countries in the development and implementation of integrated passenger transport systems and intermodality, reducing existing disparities and creating the opportunity to implement smart solutions to the identified challenges in the field of tourists’ transport.

It is indeed expected to contribute to the improvement of regional tourists transport system, thus promoting also the overall economic development of the Region and favoring the connections between the involved regions and national/EU networks. By improving connections among ports and airports the project will contribute to the general integration of the Adriatic-Ionian Basin transportation network, so that the travelers may travel with less obstacles and barriers while reaching their destinations. In addition, the efficient connection between ports and airports in the Adriatic-Ionian Region will also produce numerous benefits able to be observed in the near future such as the reduction of travel and waiting times, the reduction of costs, the improved quality of services, the enhanced level of attractiveness, the reduction in energy consumption, pollutant emissions and the congestion level on the roads that connect airports and ports.

The planned measures are aimed at advancing the following objectives:

–         to create a Capitalization Manual collecting all intermodality solutions and analyse the level of their replicability and adaptability in other areas with similar characteristics

–        to Improve regional intermodal transport of tourists guaranteeing less waiting and processing time for cruise/ferry and airplane passengers

–         to develop an Integrated Strategic Plan for better connection port-airport in Adriatic-Ionian region

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